​​​​​Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions are in place to ensure the health and safety of class participants and efficiency in the running of the classes; these are outlined below:
-Appropriate dress should be worn: This includes the correct foot wear, hair tied back and no jewellery

-Participants must be punctual for classes. The start of the class will include the warm-up and therefore late comers may not be physically prepared for the class if they miss this which could result in injury

-Courtesy and consideration of the teacher and other class participants is expected at all times

-All class participants must provide their contact information and any relevant medical issues/injuries. This information should be kept up to date so please ensure that you inform us of any changes as soon as possible

-Please be aware that the teaching of dance requires some element of touch to physically guide movement to ensure the correct posture, alignment and positioning. If you or your child are uncomfortable with this then please speak to the teacher as soon as possible.

-All fees must be paid for one month in advance and absences, with the exception of a personal 3 week holiday grace and or class closure, should be paid for.

-Only one IOU will be permitted at a time. Failure to make timely payments can lead to refusal of entry to the class.

-Parents/guardians are kindly asked not to watch their child/ren in classes as this can be distracting for them and for other others in the group. Exceptions to this rule can be made for younger children in the Little Steppers class. If parents are staying to watch children in the Little Steppers class then noise should be kept to a minimum.

-Filming or taking photographs is not allowed in any sessions. Filming by students may be carried out for memory aid or evaluative purposes but permission must be granted by the teacher first.